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Aldersverificering på KIHOSKH.DK

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Alle danske webshops, der sælger alkohol online, skal fra den 1. oktober 2024 sikre, at deres kunder er over 18 år.

Derfor har vi nu hos KIHOSKH.DK indført aldersverificering med MitID, når du handler i vores webshop. Det er den sikreste og mest effektive måde at sikre alderskontrol på.

Din brugerprofil er personlig, så hvis du allerede har en konto på vores webshop, vil din aldersverificering blive gemt, så du ikke skal verificeres igen ved fremtidige køb. Næste gang du handler, skal du blot logge ind.

Hvorfor aldersverificering?

Sikkerhedsstyrelsen har pålagt online aldersverificering for at sikre, at alkohol kun sælges til personer over 18 år. Dette er et led i en større indsats for at beskytte unge og fremme ansvarligt alkoholforbrug.

Læs reglerne her.

Sådan fungerer det

Når du køber alkohol på KIHOSKH.DK, vil du blive bedt om at logge ind med MitID som en del af betalingsprocessen. Denne procedure sikrer, at din alder verificeres på en nem og sikker måde. Dit MitID bruges kun til aldersbekræftelse, og dine data behandles selvfølgelig fortroligt og sikkert.



Oplever du problemer i forbindelse med aldersverificeringen, så prøv en anden browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc.) eller brug funktionen "Clean Cache" og prøv igen. Hvis intet af ovenstående virker så kontakt os på webshop@kihoskh.dk. Vedhæft gerne dokumentation for problemet (screenshots, browser type, enhed, tidspunkt etc.) da dette hjælper os med at se hvor fejlen ligger.


Har du spørgsmål til aldersverificeringen, eller oplever du udfordringer i processen, står vi klar til at hjælpe. Kontakt os gerne via webshop@kihoskh.dk, hvis du har spørgsmål.


All Danish webshops selling alcohol online must, as of October 1, 2024, ensure that their customers are over 18 years old.

Therefore, we have now introduced age verification with MitID on KIHOSKH.DK when you shop in our webshop. It is the safest and most effective way to ensure age control.

Your user profile is personal, so if you already have an account on our webshop, your age verification will be saved, and you will not need to verify again for future purchases. The next time you shop, you can simply log in.

Why age verification?

The Danish Safety Technology Authority has mandated online age verification to ensure that alcohol is only sold to people over 18. This is part of a broader effort to protect young people and promote responsible alcohol consumption.

Read the rules here.

How it works

When you purchase alcohol on KIHOSKH.DK, you will be asked to log in with MitID as part of the checkout process. This procedure ensures that your age is verified easily and securely. Your MitID is used solely for age confirmation, and your information is handled confidentially and securely. 

What is MitID?

MitID is a danish solution provided by the Danish Safety Technology Authority to ensure safe data. If you are located outside of Denmark you have the option to skip this part.


If you encounter issues with age verification, try using a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) or use the "Clear Cache" function and try again. If none of the above works, please contact us at webshop@kihoskh.dk. Please, if possible, attach documentation of the issue (screenshots, browser type, device, time, etc.) as this helps us identify the cause of the problem.


If you have any questions about the age verification process or experience any issues, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us at webshop@kihoskh.dk if you have any inquiries.

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